Dan Schiavetta presented a 3-hour webinar for the National Business Institute on various aspects of electronic discovery.
On January 22, 2021, Dan Schiavetta presented a 3-hour webinar for the National Business Institute on various aspects of electronic discovery. Topics covered included an introduction to the "Internet of Things", how devices such as wearables, smartphones, third-party apps and smarthome devices can be mined for relevant information in discovery, and jurisdictional and procedural problems unique to the gathering of electronically stored information.
On February 24, 2021, Dan Schiavetta gave a training as part of a conference on "Electronic Discovery 101", presented by mylawCLE and the Federal Bar Association.
On February 25, 2021, Dan Schiavetta conducted a webinar, "Defending the Catholic Church in Sexual Abuse Cases: An Insider's View", based on his twenty years of experience as defense counsel for the Catholic Church. The webinar was presented by mylawCLE and the Federal Bar Association.