Marie Castronuovo Wins Summary Judgement - Brian Crosby v. AJA Turnpike et al
On January 3, 2023, Marie Castronuovo's motion for summary judgment was granted on behalf of our clients in the case of Brian Crosby v. AJA Turnpike et al. Ms. Castronuovo moved for a dismissal of plaintiff's Labor Law 200, 240 and 241 claims against various Sonic entities. Plaintiff opposed the motion, arguing that there was an agency relationship between the Sonic entities and the owner of the property and the general contractor on the job. Judge Frank Nervo agreed with Ms. Castronuovo's argument that no agency relationship existed and that the Sonic entities were not subject to the Labor Law.
Congratulations to our Senior Associate, Audrey Medd on Another Terrific Win for a Connecticut Russo & Gould Client
In Jackson v. 61 Warwick, LLC, et. al. Audrey secured a judgment without trial for our client in an action where plaintiff alleged mold issues in her apartment caused significant injuries. Audrey successfully challenged the legal sufficiency of the plaintiff''s Complaint through a Motion to Strike. Specifically, Audrey argued that the plaintiff could not maintain a cause of action under Connecticut General Statutes § 47a-7. After argument, Honorable James Abrams, in his well-reasoned decision, agreed with Audrey and held that "[t]he statute itself does not create a private cause of action for the tenant in the event the landlord violates any of the multiple requirements contained in Gen. Stat. § 47a-7," and struck plaintiff''s Complaint in its entirety.
John Komar Gets a Defense Verdict in Brooklyn
John Komar obtained a defense verdict on a summary jury trial in the Supreme Court Kings County before Judge Francois A. Rivera in the Jorge Garcet v. Renan Cantos Bermeo case, Index Number 510873/18. The plaintiff claimed that his lumbar discectomy with spinal fusion surgery and arthroscopic knee surgery was caused by the defendant''s negligence arising out a car accident on August 21, 2017.
Audrey Medd Wins Judgment of Nonsuit
Congratulations to Senior Associate, Audrey D. Medd who secured a Judgment of Nonsuit against Plaintiff for her client which effectively dismissed the Plaintiff''s Complaint. Plaintiff now faces a difficult battle in the next four months if she decides to move to open the judgment as it is up to the Court''s discretion.
Marie Castronuovo Wins Summary Judgment in Two Cases
Congratulations to our partner, Marie Castronuovo, on winning summary judgment in two different cases for Pritchard Industries. The first case, Mamadou Camara v. Boston Properties and Pritchard Industries, was venued in NY County. It involved a slip and fall on a loading dock ramp at the building owned by Boston Properties where Pritchard was the janitorial service provider. The second case, Theresa Nuovo v. 100 Wall Realty v. Pritchard Industries, was venued in Westchester County, and also involved a slip and fall. The plaintiff fell on weather mats in the lobby of 100 Wall Street during an active rain event. The evidence revealed that the lobby mats were in place, but the plaintiff argued they were insufficient and improperly configured with a two-foot space between two mats that caused her to fall when she stepped off one mat to get to the other.
Trishe Hynes Wins Summary Judgment for Russo & Gould Client
Associate Trishe Hynes won summary judgment for our client in the matter of Califano v. Westley, Index No. 607554/2019. The plaintiff was seeking $150,000 on this claim, in which he had a litany of prior injuries. Trishe argued that he was unable to meet the serious injury threshold, as all of his injuries were pre-existing and not causally related to the subject accident.
David Gould Gets Another Verdict in Under 20 Minutes
David Gould does it again, this time in a case before Judge John Katsonis in the Queens County Civil Court. The plaintiff in the case was a driver in a two-car collision in December 2014, in Nassau County. The only issue to be decided was whether the plaintiff established a "serious injury." She claimed that she sustained a herniated disc in her neck and bulging discs in her back as a result of the accident. David argued that the impact was so slight that it could not have caused the injuries she claimed. The jury deliberated for all of 19 minutes and rendered a unanimous defense verdict holding that she did not sustain a "serious injury."
Audrey Medd Wins Favorable Settlement in Federal Court in Connecticut
Congratulations to our Senior Associate, Audrey D. Medd for achieving a favorable settlement for our clients in a highly contentious matter. In this case, venued in the Federal Court, District of Connecticut, plaintiffs alleged housing code violations, including mold and other toxic contaminant exposure which plaintiffs alleged caused serious injuries and demanded an amount in excess of seven figures. After filing Motions to Dismiss and attending a grueling half day mediation with Federal District Judge Vatti, the parties settled the matter for an undisclosed amount, well under the plaintiffs'' demand.
Nima Baratzadeh Wins for Firm Client in Rockland County
Congratulations to our associate Nima Baratzadeh for his recent win in NY State Supreme Court in Rockland County. Nima won a threshold motion for our client.
Alexandra Alvarez and Nima Baratzadeh Obtain Summary Judgment in Alleged Motor Vehicle Accident
Two of our associates, Alexandra Alvarez and Nima Baratzadeh obtained summary judgment dismissing the plaintiff's Complaint against our client, Charles W. Heath II, in Jennifer Stephan v. John Cozzali, Charles W. Heath II, L.I. Drag Racing Club, Corp, et al., venued in Morris County of the Superior Court of New Jersey.
Audrey Medd Wins Motion to Dismiss in Connecticut Superior Court
Congratulations to our Senior Associate, Audrey Medd, for winning a Motion to Dismiss for one of our firm''s clients. Audrey appeared for oral argument in Connecticut Superior Court, Judicial District of New Haven before the Honorable Justice James Wilson Abrams where she successfully argued the motion in favor of our client.
David Gould Wins Trial - Nassau County Jury Renders A Unanimous Defense Verdict Finding That The Plaintiff Did Not Sustain A Serious Injury - Joseph Cataldo v. Irving Myones and Jason Myones, Index No.: 604616/17
On July 14, 2021, David Gould received a unanimous defense verdict in Nassau Supreme Court before Justice R. Bruce Cozzens. The plaintiff, a 31-year old physical education teacher claimed that he sustained torn meniscus as a result of a motor vehicle accident on January 24, 2015 in Bethpage New York involved defendant Jason Myones. The plaintiff underwent a left knee meniscectomy in June of 2017.
Lee-David Weiner Wins Summary Judgment on Behalf of Snow Removal Contractor
In Russo v. Lake Grove Owners, et al., Supreme Court Suffolk County, Index No: 003987/14, the plaintiff slipped and fell on ice on a walkway while exiting a store in a shopping plaza. Mr. Weiner successfully argued that our client did not owe a duty to the plaintiff, owed no duty under the terms of the snow removal contract with the owner of the shopping plaza and did not create the ice condition that caused plaintiff''s fall.
Lee-David Weiner Wins in the Appellate Division
The Appellate Division First Department unanimously affirmed the lower Court''s decision which granted our client summary judgment. The Appellate Division determined that Vehicle and Traffic Law 1214 was violated when the passenger in plaintiff's parked car opened the passenger door into oncoming traffic when it was not safe to do so. The Court determined that the photographs submitted of the damage to our client''s bus was consistent with our client''s testimony that plaintiff''s passenger opened plaintiff''s car door and struck the middle of the bus while it was passing.
Marie A. Castronuovo Wins Summary Judgement in Kings County
On May 28, 2021 Marie A. Castronuovo won summary judgment for our clients in a slip and fall case in Kings County. The plaintiff alleged that she slipped on a wet floor inside the lobby of defendant''s building because defendants building owner and cleaning contractor placed an inadequate amount of weather mats on the lobby floor and failed to place them in proper positions.
David Gould Wins Defense Verdict In Kings County In One of the First Jury Trials After the Covid Pause
On May 18, 2021, David Gould obtained a defense verdict after just 36 minutes in the Supreme Court Kings County before Judge Debra Silber (Deborah Thomas vs. Nadege Constant, Supreme Kings Index Number 504584/2017).
Trishé Hynes Obtains Summary Dismissal of Third-party Complaint
Trishé Hynes obtained a summary judgment dismissal of a third-party complaint brought against a driver who was rear-ended while merging onto the highway.
Marcin Kurzatkowski obtained a summary judgment dismissal of the plaintiff's Labor Law 200 and 241(6) claims against a subcontractor at the construction site
On March 18, 2021, Marcin Kurzatkowski obtained a summary judgment dismissal of the plaintiff's Labor Law 200 and 241(6) claims against a subcontractor at the construction site. The plaintiff alleged that he tripped and fell over a copper pipe that was left behind on the floor. Mr. Kurzatkowski represented the subcontractor that was responsible for providing carting and cleaning services at the construction site.
Lee-David Weiner Wins Summary Judgment On Behalf Of A Project Manager In A Trip And Fall On The Side
Mr. Weiner wins summary judgment In Stakey v. Town of Riverhead et al. Suffolk County Index No: 15-00089. The Court in an 8-page decision held that our client did not perform any work on the subject sidewalk and was not responsible for the safety or means and methods of each individual contractor pursuant to the contract between our client and the subcontractor performing the work.
Alexandra Alvarez Wins at the Appellate Division on Theodora Renee Harrison v. Andrea M. Toyloy and Andrew Toyloy
Alexandra Alvarez was victorious after oral argument before the Appellate Division in the Second Department.